Lee Thompson, a recent college graduate, finds himself in rural Missouri, a place he never imagined calling home. However, despite its storybook charm—friendly neighbors, quaint shops, and lively festivals—the town guards macabre secrets that defy explanation. Strange occurrences begin to haunt Lee, including mysterious movements in his apartment at night and visions of a hanging woman. Amidst a blossoming romance and an unexpected friendship with the charismatic local pastor, Lee uncovers a chilling truth: The town has a dark history steeped in slavery and cruelty. Now, a sinister force from the past threatens to ensnare Lee forever.
Somewhere challenges perceptions of paradise and power in this gripping tale of longing and reckoning with the sins of our ancestors.
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"This unique story is a very clever blend of supernatural and horror, and the suspense builds up, dragging you into the story. Williams has a way of writing that makes you feel like you are right there, in the idyllic town of Somewhere, as things turn from quiet and sleepy to malevolent and dark. This story will send chills down your spine. It’s a captivating story that you won't put down until you’ve finished – you won’t be able to. As the story unfolds, you’ll feel the horror and the terror rising in you, gripping you until the very last page. I loved this story and highly recommend it for fans of supernatural stories that make your hair stand on end."
–Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers’ Favorite