Winston does NOT like to touch the snow, even with his shoes on. One snowy day, he spots his neighbor's dog, Mac wearing special boots, because just like Winston, the dog doesn't like to walk in the snow. Will Winston be able to walk on the snow if he has special boots too?

“What a cute book that my grandkids loved! The story was easy to understand and my grandson especially loves the part when Mac comes into the story. I recommend this book.”
- Angel, review on GoodReads
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“Hendricks pens a delightful tale of a boy and the snowy world that surrounds him. Readers will surely want to grab a cup of cocoa and cuddle up with this wintry and charming story.”
- Heather Macht, author of The Ant Farm Escape!
“While snow might not seem like a big deal to some, it’s cold and wet and not okay to Winston. A gentle and cute little story about a child with sensory-processing issues and his eventual ability and bravery to take on a snow day with the help of a dear old grandpa and a furry friend.”